The Battle of Mortain : Operation Luttich.

The approach to the Railway Station at Neufbourg-Mortain in August 1944.

The Railway Station as it is today (March 2024).

St Barthelemy in 2024, the German advance was along the open ground and the narrow road towards the camera.

The memorial to U.S. Forces at St. Barthelemy

Another view of the German advance towards St Barthelemy. U.S. Anti-Tank guns which were placed at the road junction ahead succeeded in knocking out a German Panther tank at the location where this photograph was taken.

The memorial to the U.S. 120th Infantry, who held Hill 314 against incredible odds and awful conditions., defying German demands for surrender.
I’m not one for ghosts and ghouls and things that bump in the night, but there was a shiver in the atmosphere amongst the trees here.

The Petite Chappelle St Michelle on Hill 314 built in the 17th Century. Briefly captured by the Germans the Chapel would stand in No Mans Land.

The view from the chapel looking westwards along the old straight road.
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