D-Day Landings UTAH Beach

D Day Landings Utah beach Dunes of Varaville Malcolm Clough

View over Utah Beach from German fortifications on the Dunes of St Martin de Varreville

The Dunes of St Martin de Varreville

The troops taking part in the successful Allied landings on UTAH beach on the morning of 6th June 1944 actually landed in the wrong place. The tides and current pushed the first wave of landing craft a mile further south to land opposite causeway No.2 (now the site of the UTAH Beach Museum. The planned landings should have taken place in the face of much stronger German opposition. That the Allies would have prevailed, I think was certain but casualties would have been higher than the 197 suffered on D-Day.

Le Clerc Monument Utah Beach

The Le Clerc Monument. A memorial to the Free French Forces which landed on UTAH beach in the weeks after D-Day. The French under Le Clerc formed part of Patton’s Third Army and went on to Liberate Paris on 24th August 1944

Varaville tank monument

Dunes of Varaville 2 Dunes of Varaville 3 Dunes of Varaville 4 Dunes of Varaville