D Day Tour of UTAH Beach, Normandy. D Day Landings
On D-Day, UTAH beach was the most westerly of the five Allied Invasion Beaches and formed the right flank of the invasion force. It was added to the original COSSAC (or planning team) proposals to give the Allies an early opportunity to capture the deep water port of Cherbourg, as capturing a deep water port was always going to be necessary to land heavy armour and large numbers of troops and equipment.  The U.S. IVth Infantry division landed on the beach supported by two Airborne Divisions. Although the assault wave was driven off course and actually landed in the wrong place a mile further south than planned, the landings went well. Casualties (by 1944 standards) were light in comparison to some of the other D Day landing beaches
COSSAC = Chief of Staff to Supreme Allied Commander
By Malcolm Clough

Malcolm Clough D Day Tours Utah beach

Utah Beach, Normandy. the westernmost flank of the D Day invasion force.

Malcolm Clough D Day Tours Utah beach Looking South

The view from the waters edge (with the tide in) looking South.

D Day Tours Malcolm Clough Utah Beach looking North

UTAH Beach looking north.

D Day Tours Malcolm Clough Casemate Utah beach

75mm gun casemate among the dunes on UTAH beach. The casemate is slowly being swallowed up by the sand.

D Day Tours Malcolm Clough Utah Beach US Navy Memorial

US Navy Memorial

Malcolm Clough D Day Tours Roosevelt Cafe

The Roosevelt Café, built onto a personnel shelter behind the beach

Sherman Tank D Day Malcolm Clough

M4 Sherman, with the UTAH Beach Museum behind. The museum is also built onto an original personnel shelter. The excellent museum has been modernised and extended

D Day Touirs Malcolm Clough Normandy Utah Beach

U.S. 90mm anti-aircraft gun

Malcolm Clough Utah Beach Exhibition Hall

The new exhibition hall to the right, houses a B-26 Marauder Bomber

Utah Beach defences Malcolm Clough

A map of the defences of Strongpoint W5 at UTAH beach.
The assault wave landed in the face of W5 which was quickly overcome. German artillery continued to pound the beach.

Brig. gen. theodore Roosevelt D Day Tours Malcolm Clough

Brig. Gen Theodore Roosevelt landed on UTAH beach with the first wave, he won The Congressional Medal of Honor for his actions D-Day. Sadly he died of a heart attack on 12th July 1944 on the eve of being promoted to Major General. He is buried in the U.S. Cemetery at Colleville sur Mer.

Utah Beach Malcolm Clough D Day Tours Normandy

U.S. Infantry storm ashore at UTAH Beach on D-Day The first wave consisted of 20 landing Craft carrying 30-36 men each. They were supported by 32 Sherman tanks.

US Infantry Utah Beach Malcolm Clough

U.S. Infantry landing on UTAH Beach on D-Day

Hedgehog Beach Defences Malcolm Clough D Day Tours Utah Beach

An example of Hedgehog beach defences

Utah Beach Malcolm Clough Anti Tank Gun

50mm anti-tank gun in it’s casemate on the roof of a German shelter. The beach is off to the right

D Day Tours Malcolm Clough Goliath Tracked Mine

A German Goliath tracked mine. A remotely controlled vehicle carrying 100kgs of explosive. The idea would be to drive them into Allied forces and detonate them. They were not successful. If the command wire was broken they were useless.

Malcolm Clough D Day Tours